Education Consultancy
We are confident on enormous source of prospective student from vast diversity and we would like to offer our student a choice of quality educational institute where they can explore the horizon of knowledge and drive them towards glorious future.
Most of the education services provided by GIES are free to our students. All of our consultants are well trained to provide professional and informative advice on a variety of topics relevant to studying worldwide.
We help students to discover their personal merit and potential so that students can make an informed decision on which level of education is suited to them, which course to select and which college or university can best benefit their future careers in which country.
GIES has already gained a strong reputation for high quality service to the UK, Canada Education partners and became one of the premier education providers throughout Bangladesh and gained special recognition with the serious institutes,During this time, GIES diversified its market specialization to include UK, USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. The focus of the organization has continued to ensure that our students achieve their career goals with high quality International education qualification. We look forward to building upon our experience, by continuing to assist the young people to realise their educational goals and dreams. Will you be next to achieving your goals with the assistance and support of GIES?